What if your business was more productive – with enhanced employee engagement, accelerated sales and overall improved financial performance - using current resources?

Our team partners with businesses to develop communications strategies that help drive measurable results:  

  • Increase productivity

  • Engage employees

  • Enhance credibility and reputation

  • Increase revenue and growth

Our Approach

Better understand and target prospects

Through focus groups and surveys, our team gathers insights used to develop messaging and better target prospects.

Enhance your credibility and reputation

A thought leadership plan puts your leaders in front of target audiences via speaking opportunities, interviews on podcasts, bylined articles and media coverage all leading to enhanced credibility and reputation.

Win new business

Targeted messages and a call to action can be used by the sales team.

  • Prepared spokespeople are all speaking the same language. Spokesperson training teaches the sales team specific techniques to control a conversation, they can more easily answer objections from prospects.

  • A sales email campaign with a call to action which encourages potential customers to sign up for a complementary call or download information can generate leads. Well-crafted LinkedIn messages and videos arm the sales team with fresh content.

Increase your SEO rating and influence the sales climate

  • Earned media coverage is just that. It’s “earned”, unpaid and not only enhances your reputation and builds awareness, it changes perceptions and adds credibility to a product or service. It complements advertising and is a component of an integrated marketing plan. By securing positive coverage about a product or service you can impact SEO and directly influence prospective clients. The sales team can use the coverage in a follow up email.

  • A strategic SEO strategy leads to a higher CTR and ranking on Google. The influence PR has on SEO goes well beyond generating links and keywords, development of quality content is critical.